List of Departments in University Of Maiduguri

University Of Maiduguri Departments

The University of Maiduguri was created in 1975 as one of the second-generation Universities, which formed part of the programmes of the Third National Development plan (1975-80) by the then Federal Military Government. At inception, the university did not have physical structures of its own, but in April 1976 it inherited the premises owned by the former North East College of Arts and Science (NECAS). The structures bequeathed to the University by NECAS were adequate in terms of office block.... Know more about University Of Maiduguri

Find below the official list of departments in University Of Maiduguri.

Faculty of Administration

  1. Accountancy/Accounting
  2. Business Administration

Faculty of Agriculture

  1. Animal Science
  2. Fisheries
  3. Food Science And Technology
  4. Forestry And Wildlife
  5. General Agriculture

Faculty of Arts And Humanities

  1. Arabic Studies
  2. Creative Arts
  3. English Language With Literature
  4. French
  5. Fulfulde
  6. Hausa
  7. History
  8. Islamic Studies
  9. Kanuri
  10. Linguistics

Faculty of Education

  1. Adult Education
  2. Agricultural Science And Education
  3. Business Education
  4. Economics / Geography/Physics
  5. Education & Mathematics
  6. Education And English Language
  7. Education And Geography/Physics
  8. Education And Science
  9. Education Arts
  10. Health Education
  11. Library Science
  12. Physical Education

Faculty of Engineering/Tech/Env

  1. Agricultural And Management Engineering
  2. Chemical Engineering
  3. Civil Engineering
  4. Computer Engineering
  5. Electrical /Electronics Engineering
  6. Environmental Biology
  7. Mechanical Engineering

Faculty of Law/Legal Studies

  1. Civil Law
  2. Islamic/Sharia Law
  3. Private Law
  4. Public Law

Faculty of Med/Pharm/Health Sciences

  1. Anatomy
  2. Dentistry And Dental Surgery
  3. Medical Laboratory Science
  4. Medicine And Surgery
  5. Nursing/Nursing Sceince
  6. Pharmacy
  7. Physiotherapy
  8. Radiography
  9. Veterinary Medicine

Faculty of Sciences

  1. Biochemistry
  2. Botany
  3. Chemistry
  4. Geology
  5. Mathematics
  6. Microbiology
  7. Physics
  8. Statistics
  9. Zoology

Faculty of Social Sciences

  1. Economics
  2. Geography
  3. Mass Communication
  4. Political Science
  5. Public Administration
  6. Sociology And Anthroplogy

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