
Writer Job Description

Writers Produce Literary Compositions, Articles, Reports, Books And Other Texts.

Writers Are Involved In The Creation And Development Of Works Of Fiction And Non-fiction.

This Covers A Number Of Wide And Varied Forms Including Poetry, Prose, Life Writing, And Material For The Theatre, Screen And Radio (such As Comedy/soap Opera Scripts, Drama Productions And Documentaries). Writers May Also Create The Content For Websites Or Write Articles For Magazines Or Newspapers. New Media Is Also Opening Doors For Writers In Areas Such As Mobile Phone Content And Computer Game Scripts.

Most Writers Work Freelance And Are Self-employed. They Often Have To Support Themselves Through Additonal Types Of Work, Such As Teaching, Lecturing, Editing Or Other Roles In Publishing, As Well As Entirely Unrelated Jobs Outside The Writing Industry.

Writer Duties/Functions/Responsibilities

  • selecting subject matter based on personal or public interest, or commissioned by a publisher or agent;
  • developing the technical skills of writing and maintaining originality;
  • using literary skills to develop themes and storylines, while making characters and plots believable;
  • working to tight deadlines, especially for theatre, screen and radio;
  • undertaking research, including plot-lines, places, themes and characters;
  • verifying the factual content of written work;
  • conducting interviews with people either face-to-face, over the telephone or by email;
  • submitting material for publication in the required and expected format;
  • rewriting and adapting material (and sometimes the work of others) for alternative formats, e.g. adapting novels for stage or producing an e-book;
  • ghost writing - writing for others under the other person's name;
  • maintaining an active interest in the specific genre, such as novels, film, TV, radio;
  • exercising self-discipline and time management to organise writing in conjunction with developing financial management/self-employment skills;
  • encouraging and acting upon critical feedback in the most appropriate manner;
  • being prepared to rewrite and revise work (often several times) following feedback;
  • liaising with publishers, agents, script editors, producers and directors;
  • finding, pursuing and maintaining knowledge of publication opportunities;
  • attending courses and participating in workshops to improve and build upon writing skills;
  • appearing at public readings and book signings, schools, libraries, colleges and literary festivals;
  • teaching in higher and further education and privately;
  • private online creative writing tuition;
  • private critiquing service to aspiring writers.

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