The Government Science Technical College Ringim, established in the year 2014, is a state owned Science and Technical College under the Jigawa St...
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The Government Technical College Oka Akoko, established in the year 1988, is a state owned Technical College under the management of the Ondo&nbs...
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The Government Technical College, Esie Iludun, is a state owned Technical College under the directory of the Ministry for Education of Kwara Stat...
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Government Day Technical College, Gamawa is a State Technical College in Nigeria.
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Government Technical College, Geidam is a Vocational and Professional Education Technical College established in the year 1989 under the director...
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Government Day Technical College, Kafin Madaki is a State Technical College in Nigeria.
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The Government Technical College, Amadu-Asungblu, is a state owned Technical College under the directory of the Ministry for Education of Kw...
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Mainland Technical College Oron is a public adult, vocational, or technical school located in Ward 6, Eyo Abasi in Oron Local Government Area, Akwa Ib...
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Government Technical College Kajuru is a public senior secondary school located in Kajuru, Kajuru in Kajuru Local Government Area, Kaduna State. The C...
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The Government Technical College, Erinle Ille is a state owned Technical College under the directory of the Ministry for Education of Kwara ...
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The Government Technical College, Pategi is a state owned Technical College under the directory of the Ministry for Education of Kwara State. The...
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The Government Girl’s Commercial College, Mai Adua, established in the year 1992, is one of the Colleges under the management of the&...
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Government Technical College,Farfaru is a Privately owned Technical College. The College is a Vocational and Professional Education Technical College ...
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The Government Technical College, Mashi, established in the year 1992, is one of the Colleges under the management of the Katsina Stat...
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Government Technical College, Ogoja is a State Technical College in Nigeria.
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The Government Technical College, Bunza established in the year 1988, is one of the Colleges under the management of the Kebbi&nb...
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The Government Girl’s Commercial College, Mai Adua, established in the year 1992, is one of the Colleges under the management of the&...
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Government Technical College, Kaura Namoda is a Vocational and Professional Education Technical College established in the year 1989 under the directo...
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The Government Technical College, Ungogo is one of the state owned Technical College under the directory of the Kano State Science and Technical ...
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The Government Commercial College, Bagauda established in the year 1988, is one of the Technical College under the directory of the Kano Sta...
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