Abande Market, Before Market Square
Achia Market Square I, Near The Market Square
Achia Market Square Ii, Near The Market Square
Ada Market I, Beside Market Square
Ada Market Ii, Beside Market Square
Adagi Market, Close To Market Square
Adange, Beside Adange Compound
Adanyi Bur Junction, Front Of Adanyi's House
Adikpo Comp. College I - Adikpo
Adikpo Comp. College Ii, Adikpo
Aga Market I, Beside Market Square
Aga Market Ii, Beside Market Square
Agenogo Market, In Front Of Market Square
Ageraga Market Ii, Close To Market Square
Agerega Market I, Within Market Square
Aguchenyi, Ugea Pri. School, Aguchenyi
Aguke Ikume, Beside Ikume's Compound
Ahile, Lgea Pri. School, Ahile Premises
Ahundu Market I, Near Market Square
Ajio-koti Road, Beside Ajio Bus Stop
Ajio-upev Branch, Beside Ajio-upe Juntion
Akpe Imbusu, Near Imbush Compound
Amahundu Market I, Close To Market Square
Angir-uyhough, Near Market Square
Angor, Close To Angor Compound
Anum Ivom, Lgea Pri. School, Adzer
Anwase Market, Close To Market Square
Ataimo Market I, Near Market Square
Ataimo Markwet Ii, Near Market Square
Atsar Anande, Lgea Pri. School, Anande
Atsor Market I, Near Atsor Market Square
Atsor Market Ii, Atsor, Market Premisesd
Auke Gber, Close To Aule Gber Compound
Begha Market Square, Near Market Square
Cheen Carpentary S/shop, Outside Prem.
Chigba Market I, Close To Market Square
Chigba Market Ii, Near The Market Square
Danikyo, Around Daniyo Compound
Diiv I, Before Diiv Market Square
Diiv Ii, Before Diiv Market Square
Dziwgwe Village, Close To Village Premises
Electric Office, Outside Premises
Fishin Market, Near Market Square
Gbangban, Before Gbangban Compound
Gbe Market I, Close To Market Square
Gbe Market Ii, Close To Market Square
Gbinde Clinic, Beside Clinic
Gom Gire, Near Gom Gire Compound
Gss, Anwase, School Premisesd
Guda Village, Close To Guda Village
Gumyar Aga, Entrance Of Gumyar
Ibumeor Market, Near Ibumeor Market
Ichol Market, Close To Market Square
Igbanongo Compound, Outside Premises
Igom, Near Igom Market Square
Ihindan I, Rcm. Pri. School, Hindan
Ihindan Ii, Rcm Pri. School, Hindan
Ihonam Market, Before Market Square
Ikur Compound, Before The Compound
Ikyaaibo Compound, In Front Of Premises
Ikyegh-dam Market, Beside Market Square
Ikyogen Market, Outside Market Square
Ikyogen Motor Park, Beside Ent.
Ikyowen Village, Beside Village Premises
Imande Ale, Outside Imande Market Square
Imande Mbaikule, Before The Market Square
Imande Ukusu, Lgea Pri. School, Imande Premises
Imande Wende, Before Wende Market
Inundur, Close To The Market Square
Iorhenen Hwande, In Front Of The Compound
Ityoatoakaa Compound, Outside Prem.
Ityu Ukase, Lgea Pri. School, Ityu-ukase
Ivenger Market, Close To Ivenger Market
Iyon Market, Close To Market Square
Kaa-iliev Comp. I, In Front Of Compound
Kaa-iliev Comp. Ii, Front Of Umaru's Compound
Kaun Gadim, Near Kaun Market Square
Kelem, Lgea Pri. School, Kelem Premises
Kobolo Market, Lgea Pri. School, Kobolo
Kookoko Market Square, Close To Market Square
Koti Apera Market, Beside The Market Square
Koti Apera, Ikpayar Pri. School Premises
Koti Market, Close To Market Square
Kpengwa Market, Lgea Pri. School, Kpengwa
Kusugh, At The Approach Of Kusugh Compound
Leprosy Clinic, Outside Premises
Lgea Pri. School, Abanyi, Within School Premises
Lgea Pri. School, Agura I, School Premisesd
Lgea Pri. School, Agura Ii, School Premises
Lgea Pri. School, Ahobe, Within Premises
Lgea Pri. School, Ahondo, School Premises
Lgea Pri. School, Ahundu I, School Premises
Lgea Pri. School, Ahundu Ii, School Premises
Lgea Pri. School, Ayaga, School Premises
Lgea Pri. School, Ayindi, School Premises
Lgea Pri. School, Boagundu, School Premises
Lgea Pri. School, Boon, School Premises
Lgea Pri. School, Buter I, School Premises
Lgea Pri. School, Buter Ii, School Premises
Lgea Pri. School, Dagba, School Premises
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