Ifite Ani P/s I
Ifite Ani P/s Ii
Ifite Central School I
Ifite Central School Ii
Ifite Community School
Ifite Enu
Ifite Enu P/s I
Ifite Enu P/s Ii
Ifite Hall I
Ifite Hall Ii
Ifite Market Square I
Ifite Market Square Ii
Ifite Ora P/s I
Ifite Ora P/s Ii
Ifite P/s I
Ifite P/s Ii
Ifite Pry. School I
Ifite Pry. School Ii
Ifite Town Hall I
Ifite Town Hall Ii
Ifite Town Hall Iii
Ifiteani Pry. School I
Ifiteani Pry. School Ii
Ifiteani Pry. School Iii
Ifiteani Pry. School Iv
Ifitedunu/awkuzu Street Junction
Ifiteora I
Ifiteora Ii
Ifiteora Iii
Ifiteora Square
Ifiteora V Square I
Ifiteora V. Square Ii
Ifiye - Town Hall
Ifoko Town Hall, Lower Southern Ifoko
Ifoko Town Hall, Upper Southern Ifoko
Ifon/erin Gram. School, Road
Ifuama Town Hall, Eroghor
Ifuma Village Square
Ifumkpa Playground
Ifuraomchi Village Square
Ifuruoka Primary School
Iga -otun Olokunta
Iga Compound
Iga Idunganran, Orisan Junction I
Iga Idunganran, Orisan Junction Ii
Iga Idunganran/bajulaiye I
Iga Idunganran/bajulaiye Ii
Iga Idunganran/bajulaiye Iii
Iga Losi/akarigbo
Iga Play Ground
Iga-gishu Play Ground
Iga/uroko/olefu - Lgea School, Iga/uroko
Iga/uroko/olefu Ii - Lgea School, Iga/uroko
Igaa Saliu/igaa Saliu
Igababa - Akipelaa
Igabu Polo/igabu Polo Square
Igabukiri/school Compound
Igah Meth. Prim. School
Igah, Play Ground
Igah-achema Open Space
Igah-okpaya Mkt. Sqr. I
Igah-okpaya Mkt. Sqr. Ii
Igah-okpaya Motor Park
Igah-ologbeche Play Ground
Igakota, Igobe/ejiba
Igala - Uku Primary School Umuebo/ossai/umualam I
Igala - Uku Primary School Umuebo/ossai/umualam Ii
Igaliwari Open Space
Igama/agila/olainya Open Space - Igama
Igan Orile
Igando Junction - Igando
Igando Market Square Ipetu-ijesa
Igando Road/obabiyi Street Ikotun I
Igando Road/obabiyi Street Ikotun Ii
Iganmode Grammar School
Iganmu Road I
Iganmu Road Ii
Iganro/lipere, Open Space At Iganro
Igara Village
Igariowei Comm. Square
Igasi, L.a Pry Sch Igasi
Igate Square
Igba, Ando Igba
Igba-ajegunle, St Edward Pry Sch Igba
Igbafo I
Igbafo Ii
Igbafu - Lgea School, Igbafu
Igbagbotedo Open Space
Igbagele Secondary Sch, Igbagele
Igbagun Ii Beside The Market Square
Igbagun/ife Open Space Near The Market Square
Igbahena - Igbahena Comp.
Igbahina Compound
Igbainwari Town Hall I
Igbainwari Town Hall Ii
Igbainwari Town Square
Igbaja/erika/igbadara St, Oladowole's House I
Igbaja/erika/igbadara St, Oladowole's House Ii
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