Hon. Philip Ahmad

Hon. Philip Ahmad Biography / Profile

Honorable Philip Gutuwa Ahmad was born in 1962. He is an indigene of Guyuk Local Government Area of Adamawa State, Nigeria. He is a civil servant and politician who currently serves as a member of the Federal House of Representatives for Guyuk/Shelleng Federal Constituency of Adamawa State.

Hon. Philip Ahmad Age

Not available.

Hon. Philip Ahmad Early Life

Honorable Philip grew up in Adamawa State. He attended Government Secondary School Sakato Numan and graduated with a General Certificate of Education (GCE) in 1982. From there he proceeded to the Kaduna Polytechnic and earned a Higher National Diploma (HND) in 1993.

Hon. Philip Ahmad Career

Honorable Philip began working as an accountant with the local Government in 1983. From 1994 to 1998, he served as a revenue officer and later internal auditor from 1998 to 2003. From 2003 until 2012, he served as a Local Government Treasurer. In 2012, he was appointed a commissioner by the Adamawa State Government. He served in that capacity until June 2014.

In 2015, Honorable Philip was elected as a member of the Federal House of Representatives to represent Guyuk/Shelleng Federal Constituency of Adamawa State.  His legislative interest include issues that relate to state and local government, federal character, power, water resources, works and the Federal Capital Territory. His target achievement is to submit bills that will drive benefit to his people. This includes bills on water to all rural areas, bills on power and that of health care to all rural people.

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Hon. Philip Ahmad Awards

  • 2003 Award of Certificate of Excellence on Internally Generated Revenue from Guyuk
  • Certificate of Merit as of the NULGE’s Active Members in Madagali Local Government Area Chapter

Hon. Philip Ahmad Net Worth

His net worth is not available.

Hon. Philip Ahmad on Social Media





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