Agbor Postal Code / Zip Code of Agbor

What is the postal code of Agbor? Understand postal codes and find out the postal code of Agbor.

Postal codes in Nigeria are numeric, consisting of six digits. The Nigerian Postal Service (NIPOST), divides the country into six geo-political regions. The first digit of Agbor postal code represents its region. The second and third digits of the postal code of Agbor, combined with the first, are the dispatch district for outgoing sorting. The last three digits represent the delivery location.

The postal code of Agbor is:


Agbor is both a kingdom and town located in the oil rich Delta state of Nigeria’s southsouth geopolitical zone. Agbor  is home to indigenes of the Ika tribe and other tribes found in the.... Know more about Agbor.

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