Hon. Muhammad Boyi

Hon. Muhammad Boyi Biography / Profile

Hon. Muhammad Gausu Boyi was born in 1963 in Jigawa State, Nigeria. He is a teacher by training and currently the lawmaker representing Ringim/Taura Constituency at the National Assembly.

Hon. Muhammad Boyi Age

Not available.

Hon. Muhammad Boyi Early Life

Hon Boyi obtained a Teacher Grade II certificate from Garki Teacher's College in 1983. He proceeded to the Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Kaduna and graduated in 1994 with a Bachelor’s degree in Biology Education.

Hon. Muhammad Boyi Career

Hon Boyi worked as a classroom teacher for 26 years. He was also appointed a Gombe State deputy director in Education.

In 2015 he was elected under the platform of the All Progressive Congress (APC) to represent Ringim/Taura Constituency at the Federal House of Representatives. He strives to represent his constituency effectively.

Hon. Muhammad Boyi Personal Life

Hon Boyi is devote Muslim.

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Hon. Muhammad Boyi Awards

Various awards and certificates from seminars and workshops

Hon. Muhammad Boyi Net Worth

His net worth is not available.

Hon. Muhammad Boyi on Social Media





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