Hon. Suleiman Samaila

Hon. Suleiman Samaila Biography / Profile

Hon Samaila Suleiman was born on February 3rd, 1981 in Kaduna, Nigeria to Alhaji Abdu Suleiman and Hajiya Maryam Sani Sambo. He is an engineer, entrepreneur and politician representing Kaduna North Constituency at the Federal House of Representatives.

Hon. Suleiman Samaila Age

Hon. Suleiman Samaila is 44 years old.

Hon. Suleiman Samaila Early Life

Hon Samaila was born into a wealthy Islamic home. His father was a prominent politician. Hon Samalia attended the following schools and obtained qualifications: Kaduna Capital Primary School (1988-1993), Kaduna Capital Secondary School (1994-1999), Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University (B.Eng in Mechanical Engineering; 2001-2006), and Ahmadu Bello University (Masters in International Affairs and Diplomacy, 2009).

Hon. Suleiman Samaila Career

After his studies, Hon Suleiman moved to work with Kaduna Refinery between 2005 and 2006. He later had a transfer of service to Nigeria LNG between 2007 and 2008. He worked with Energy Commission of Nigeria from 2009 to 2010 when he resigned to join politics.

In 2010 he was elected as Chairman of Kaduna North Local Government under the platform of the Congress for Progressive Change (CPC). In 2015 he was elected to represent Kaduna North Constituency at the National Assembly. He is the chairman of the Solid Minerals Committee and a member of the Drugs and Narcotics Committee. 

Hon. Suleiman Samaila Personal Life

 A devote Muslim, Hon Suleiman is married to two wives; Faiza and Maryam. He has two children.

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Hon. Suleiman Samaila Awards

  • National Inion of Journalist (NUJ) Award
  • Steyr Nigeria Ltd Award
  • House Committee on State and Local Government Affairs- Award
  • Africa Youth Awards named him among the 100 Most Influential Young Africans in 2017

Hon. Suleiman Samaila Net Worth

His net worth is not available.

Hon. Suleiman Samaila on Social Media

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