Address: Kenule Beeson Saro-Wiwa Polytechnic, Bori PMB 20 Khana LGA, Rivers State, Nigeria
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Kenule Beeson Saro-Wiwa Polytechnic, Bori, was created to fill a vacuum, which is primarily to produce well-trained, practically-oriented, professional manpower for the numerous establishments that abound in Rivers State, in particular and Nigeria, generally. The purpose of a Polytechnic is inherent in its name, which simply means Many Arts or Many Skills. The emphasis of Polytechnic Education is vocational, covering a wide range of professional teaching of skills which should be relevant to contemporary working life. Graduates of our Polytechnic are therefore expected to become professionals in all spheres namely; engineers, architects, quantity surveyors, accountants, managers, technologists, technicians, teachers and so on.
The Polytechnic was established by the Rivers State Government in 1988. The Military Governor, Colonel Anthony Ukpo inaugurated the provisional Council on May 13, 1988. The Edict establishing the Polytechnic was signed into law by Group Captain Ernest O. Adeleye, Former Military Governor of Rivers State on March 25, 1989. He also performed the Formal Ceremony of the institution on May 19, 1990.
The Polytechnic was established to provide the courses of instruction, training and research in Applied Sciences, Technology, Commerce, Business Management and such other fields of learning as maybe determined from time to time with regard to the work force needs of the State in particular and of the Federation in general, especially the development of middle-level power.
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