Address: P.M.B 1000, Zaria Road, Gusau, Zamfara State, Nigeria.
This is the profile page of Federal University, Gusau on Manpower Nigeria. This page contains the email, contact phone number, address, website and other contact information of Federal University, Gusau.
Federal University, Gusau is the only university located in Zamfara state. Zamfara is a large state located in North West Nigeria, it is one of the largest states in the country. The university was founded in 2013 and is committed to impacting its students with quality education and encouraging innovations. The university has a low but relatively competitive admission process. Students from all age brackets and religions around the country. The university offers accommodation, good roads etc for its students and students can decide to live on campus or off campus. The university offers courses in agriculture, sciences, social sciences and education.
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