Address: Akoka, Lagos Lagos State Nigeria
This is the profile page of University Of Lagos Distance Learning Institute on Manpower Nigeria. This page contains the email, contact phone number, address, website and other contact information of University Of Lagos Distance Learning Institute.
The University of Lagos Distance Learning Institute was founded in 1962. It is recalled that part of the primary objective of the University at inception and as enunciated in the Ashby Commission, was:
the provision of facilities for part-time studies in such fields as Business Studies, Accounting, Law and Education through Correspondence and Distance Learning techniques
This then was the genesis of the Distance learning Institute (DLI), the fact that it had previously gone through different cognomens notwithstanding.
It was in actualization of this objective that a Unit, the Correspondence and Open Studies Unit (COSU), was established in 1973. COSU in turn was to transform, a decade later in 1983 into the Correspondence and Open Studies Institute (COSIT), with the granting of the latter with some measure of autonomy and enhanced scope of operations.
Consistent with global advances in Open Studies and in particular Distance learning mode of study, the Senate of the University in 1997, while re-affirming the enhanced status and autonomy of COSIT, effected some re-structuring and streamlining in the general modus operandi of the Institute.
These various changes delineated above were, among others, aimed at effecting the necessary streamline and restructuring towards achieving the pure Distance learning mode of education delivery in all its ramifications.
In keeping therefore with these various re-structuring measures, and to reflect the Distance learning philosophy, the name COSIT had to be changed to DLI (The Distance learning Institute).
DLI, as now constituted with enhanced status as that of a College in the University, has its own Management Board and its own Academic Board and is empowered to formulate her own policies, employ her own staff and be responsible for academic programmes, examinations as well as supervise her day to day affairs and generate funds for her running costs.
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