Hon. Bala Yusuf

Hon. Bala Yusuf Biography / Profile

Hon Yusuf Bala Ikara was born on March 22nd, 1975. He hails from Ikara Local Government Area of Kaduna State, Nigeria. He is a teacher and politician representing Ikara/Kubau Federal Constituency at the green chamber of the National Assembly.

Hon. Bala Yusuf Age

Hon. Bala Yusuf is 50 years old.

Hon. Bala Yusuf Early Life

Hon Bala began his education at Central Primary School, Ikara where he obtained a First School Leaving Certificate (FSLC). He enrolled at the Government Secondary School, Ikara where he obtained the West African Senior Certificate (WASC) in 1996. He attended Nuhu Bamalli Polytechnic Zaria, Kaduna State where he obtained a diploma. He also obtained and advanced diploma from the Nasarawa State University in 2014.

Hon. Bala Yusuf Career

Prior to joining politics, Hon Yusuf spent a large part of his career as a teacher. In 2011 he was elected as a member of the House of Representatives to represent Ikara/Kubau Federal Constituency. From 2011 to 2015, he was a member of the following committees; Culture & Tourism, Petroleum Resources (Down Stream), Niger Delta, Land & Transport, and Steel. H was re-elected in 2015 under the platform of the All Progressive. His legislative interest us in education and quality education. 

Hon. Bala Yusuf Personal Life

Hon Bala is married.

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Hon. Bala Yusuf Net Worth

His net worth is not available.

Hon. Bala Yusuf on Social Media




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