Address: Everdon Bureau de Change Limited, Foresight House, 163/165 Broad Street, Marina, Lagos
This is the profile page of Everdon Bureau De Change on Manpower Nigeria. This page contains the email, contact phone number, address, website and other contact information of Everdon Bureau De Change.
Everdon Bureau de Change is a Dun and Bradstreet certified Foreign Exchange company headquartered in Lagos, Nigeria. Through us, businesses and individuals can place orders and broker foreign currency transactions more conveniently than ever before. We trade in major global currencies, including the US dollar, UK pound sterling and the Euro.
Everdon’s business is fashioned around your need for speed and convenience. Your currency exchange orders can be placed directly on our website, by email or by phone, while our team of competent agents complete your transaction in a timely, professional manner.
Since we commenced operations in June 2014, we have facilitated millions of dollars worth of foreign currency trade and transfers to and on behalf of our customers. With our expanding network of clients and agents, we have significant potential to achieve even more, on a global scale.
Everdon Bureau de Change is a wholly owned subsidiary of VFD Group Limited, a financial services group headquartered in Lagos, Nigeria. Our operating license was granted in January 2014. We are monitored by the Central Bank of Nigeria, and are fully compliant with all federal regulations governing the operations of Bureau de change in Nigeria.
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