Address: PMB 3002, Ishiala Umudi, Nkwerre, Imo State, Nigeria.
This is the profile page of Hezekiah University, Umudi on Manpower Nigeria. This page contains the email, contact phone number, address, website and other contact information of Hezekiah University, Umudi.
Hezekiah University was established as a private university in May 2015 under the license of the Federal Government of Nigeria. The idea to start the Hezekiah University was initiated in 2004 after which the initial contact with the National Universities Commission (NUC) was made and the application forms for the establishment of the university were obtained to begin the process of obtaining license for the university.
The university is a direct response of the Living Christ Mission Inc. to the crisis of access to university education facing the annual mass of qualified applicants seeking admission into existing Nigerian universities. The university is envisioned as the vehicle, amongst others already in place, by which the Church can influence its congregation, its immediate community and indeed Nigeria.
The goal is to develop a world-class institution that shall be the pride of the Church’s congregation and indeed all Nigerians. It is in line with its focus, that the Church seeks to establish a university as is permitted under the Laws of Federal Republic of Nigeria.
It is also in line with the mission, vision, aims and objectives of the Living Christ Mission Inc. and the wish to contribute to national development, and particularly to enhance educational opportunities for our teeming youths in quest of higher learning, that the idea of the Hezekiah University was conceived and has continued to be nurtured.
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