Address: PBM 01079, Ogui New layout, Enugu, Enugu State, Nigeria
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The Institute of Management and Technology (IMT), Enugu came into existence under the then East Central State of Nigeria Edict No 10 of 1973 promulgated by the Administrator of East Central State – Ajie Ukpabi Asika. Prior to the establishment of the great IMT, there existed the College of Technology which offered courses in Engineering and Laboratory Technology leading to the award of Ordinary Diploma, the Institute of
Administration which provided short in-service training of various grades, the Co-operative College which offered a certificate course in Co-operative Studies to Co-operative inspectors from the ministry.
These institutions were autonomous and were located differently. The College of Technology was part of the Ministry of education and the Ministry controlled it. The Ministry of Establishments controlled the institute of Administration while the Co-operative College was directly under the Ministry of Rural development.
All these institutions were staffed by civil servants who were posted there from the Ministry and could be re-posted to other departments or units according to the needs of the Civil Service.
In 1970 there arose the need to establish a higher institution of learning for upgrading and training of our men and women in technological, managerial and engineering fields. This need was pursued vigorously and in October 1971 the Ukpabi Asika administration decided to merge the former College of Technology with the Institute of Administration. To give effect to this decision both the institute and the College came under the unified control of the cabinet office on 1st April, 1972.
In October of the same year the Administrator of the East Central State appointed a Provisional Council. This council was charged with determining and recommending to the government an appropriate structure of an autonomous, technical as well as professional and managerial man-power in the subject areas indicated by the state and national needs. The Council pursued its task with vigour and vision and submitted a report early in April 1973.Thus on 31 May 1973 the Edict No 10 of 1973 titled “The Institute of Management and Technology Edict 1973” was promulgated. The edict took effect from 1st July 1973 and thus gave birth to what is now known as the Institute of Management and Technology (IMT) Enugu. Dr. Ukwu I Ukwu became the first chairman of council while Professor M.O Chijioke became the first rector and The first Registrar in the person of Mr. B.O. Akwukwuma.
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