Enugu North

About Enugu North Local Government Area (L.G.A)

Enugu North local government area is situated in Enugu state, Southeast geopolitical zone of Nigeria. The headquarters of the area are in Enugu town and covers districts and streets such as New Haven, Upper Chime, Nanka, Fire service, Ogui junction, and Okpara Avenue. The population of Enugu North LGA is estimated at 154,808 inhabitants with the area mainly populated by members of the Igbo ethnic group. The Igbo and English languages are extensively spoken in the area while Christianity s the most practiced religion in the LGA. Popular landmarks in Enugu North LGA include Peekay Gardens, Enugu state Broadcasting service, and the Ebeano tunnel.


Enugu North LGA covers a total area of 106 square kilometres and has an average temperature of 27 degrees centigrade. The average humidity of the area is put at 69 percent while the LGA witnesses two major seasons which are the dry and the rainy seasons with a brief harmattan coming during the dry season.


Enugu North LGA has a vibrant economy with the area hosting several public and private institutions which include hotels, banks, relaxation spots and restaurants. The area also hosts several boutiques, shopping malls such as the popular polo park mall and a number of markets such as the Artisan market.                        

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