Address: 8A Dar es Salaam Street, Off Aminu Kano Crescent, Wuse II, Abuja, Nigeria.
This is the profile page of Abuja Leasing Company on Manpower Nigeria. This page contains the email, contact phone number, address, website and other contact information of Abuja Leasing Company.
Abuja Leasing Company Limited (ALC) was incorporated on 30th March 2005 as a limited liability company. ALC commenced business in July 2005 and was modeled as a public private partnership to develop an integrated transportation network to provide lease finance to operators who will provide an organized, modern and efficient taxi fleet in Abuja and environs. ALC was charged with a principal goal to provide a structured, organized and viable lease finance to individuals and corporate entities.
ALC successfully pioneered the establishment of an organized transportation fleet management solution in Abuja that was focused on providing exceptional service to a host of clients.
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