
About Ikwuano Local Government Area (L.G.A)

Ikwuano local government area is in Abia state, Southeast Nigeria and has its headquarters in the town of Isiala Oboro. Ikwuano LGA is bordered by Umuahia North LGA and by parts of Akwa Ibom state. Towns and villages that make up Ikwuano LGA include Omuegwu, Afaranta, Nkwoachara, Ameke, Ariam Usaka, Uba-kala, Oloko, Oboro, and Ibere. The estimated population of Ikwuano LGA is 183,468 inhabitants with the predominant tribe in the area being the Igbo. The Igbo language is widely spoken in the area while the religion of Christianity is the commonly practiced religion in the LGA. Popular festivals held in Ikwuano LGA include the colourful Ekpe masqurerade festival while notable landmarks in the area include the Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike and the National Crops Research Institute.


Ikwuano LGA occupies a total area of 281 square kilometres and has an average temperature of 28 degrees centigrade. The LGA witnesses two distinct seasons which are the rainy and the dry seasons while the average humidity level of the area is put at 62 percent.


Farming is one of the key economic activities of the people of Ikwuano LGA with crops such as oil palm, cassava, yam, melon, and okro grown in the area. The area also hosts a number of markets where a variety of commodities are bought and sold and these include the Timber Industrial market Umudike. Other important economic engagements of the people of Ikwuano LGA are hunting, craftsmanship, and wood carving.


Ikwuano LGA was created on the 27th day of August 1991 from the defunct Ikwuano/Umuahia LGA.

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