Address: Iseyni, Oyo State, Nigeria .
This is the profile page of Saf Polytechnic, Oyo State on Manpower Nigeria. This page contains the email, contact phone number, address, website and other contact information of Saf Polytechnic, Oyo State.
SAF polytechnic was established in 2013 and by virtue of Decree 23 which granted it the mandate to provide full time and part-time courses of instruction and training in technology, applied science, commerce and management and in such other relevant fields of applied learning that will lead to the development of Nigeria in the areas of industrial, agricultural production and distribution; and also creating an atmosphere for research and adaptation of techniques. In SAF polytechnic, there are twenty academic departments with a total of forty accredited programs, which cut across the National Diploma programmes, and certificate courses.
There is a Quality Assurance Unit in the college which aims at bringing the concept of quality control and assurance in academic service delivery to the consciousness of both staff and students. The unit was established because of the college management’s belief that every aspect of academic activity must be measured to standards comparable to the best in the world. From inception to date SAF polytechnic has continued to provide an enabling environment for the achievement of academic excellence.
The lecture rooms and laboratories are well equipped. Free medical service is provided at the Medical centre, which is open round the clock, sports facilities are also provided and students are encouraged to participate in sports, which is a positive way of channeling youthful energy. The college is acknowledged for its sporting process, having won the Nigerian Polytechnic Games a record five times out of sixteen editions of the competition.
In regards and acceptance of the pivotal role that higher education plays in national development, SAF polytechnic has instituted numbers of far-reaching initiatives in other to enhance the realization of its vision. With this activities, we believe that SAF polytechnic will be the best and also stands as a leader as far tertiary institution is concern in Nigeria.
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