Address: Ubiaja, Edo State, Nigeria .
This is the profile page of Kings Polytechnic, Ubiaja on Manpower Nigeria. This page contains the email, contact phone number, address, website and other contact information of Kings Polytechnic, Ubiaja.
Kings Polytechnic Ubiaja, a proposed private Polytechnic, is an offspring of new Era Institute of Technology; Ubiaja which was established in 2005. The desire of the change from armature to Polytechnic was as a result of the foresight of the Proprietor, Late Chief Sir Francis Ijewere, retired Chief Banking operations of the Central Bank of Nigeria. He saw in a Polytechnic greater opportunities in the level and area of technological and skills acquisition than an institute, especially in a sidelined Zone, like Esan South East Local Government Area of Edo State, an opportunity for tertiary education. Pursuant to this change, he had to follow the due process of establishing a private Polytechnic, by applying to the National Board for Technical Education (NBTE) and was given a printed document on ‘’guidelines and procedure for the establishment of private Polytechnic, Mono technic and similar tertiary institutions in Nigeria”.
Following the guidelines, the Proprietor put in place, a temporary site, all the needed resource (structures, equipment, and Staff, both academic and non-academic) and acquired over 50 hectares of Land for the permanent site. He there after invited the Board for advisory/approval visitation, which took place in April 20073rd. Essentially, the expectation of the Polytechnic is to provide for studies, training and development of techniques in Applied Sciences, Engineering, Arts and Commerce as well as in other sphere of learning.
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