
About Iseyin Local Government Area (L.G.A)

Iseyin local government area is situated in Oyo state, Southwest geopolitical enclave of Nigeria. The LGA is made up of several towns and villages which include Afonja, Odoomu, Ado Awaye, Osantu, Ajabeegun, Joloko, Wasinmi, Osugun, and Iseyin. The estimated population of Iseyin LGA is 179,855 inhabitants with the vast majority of the area’s dwellers being members of the Yoruba ethnic group. The Yoruba language is commonly spoken in the area while Christianity is the most practiced religion in the area. The paramount traditional ruler of Iseyin LGA is the Aseyin of Iseyin. Popular festivals held in Iseyin LGA include the colourful Aso-ofi festival while notable landmarks in the LGA include the Ikere gorge Dam and the permanent site of the NYSC Orientation camp.


Iseyin LGA falls under the tropical savannah climate and has an average temperature of 28 degrees centigrade. The average humidity level of the LGA is 60 percent while the total precipitation in the area is estimated at 1850 mm of rainfall per annum.


Farming is a major occupation undertaken by the people of Iseyin LGA with a number of crops such as tobacco, cotton, and cocoa cultivated in large quantities within the area. Iseyin LGA is a hub for the production of Aso-ebi clothing materials which are a popular fashion item for people of the South-west. Trade also flourishes in iseyin LGA with the area hosting a number of markets such as the Aso ofi International tourism market.

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