
About Bomadi Local Government Area (L.G.A)

Bomadi local government area is found in Delta state, Southsouth Nigeria. The towns and villages that make up Bomadi LGA include Akugbene, Bomadi, Kpakiama, Kalafuo-ogbene, Ogodobiri, Esama, Ogriagbene, and Azebiri. The population of Bomadi LGA is put at 134, 522 inhabitants with the majority of the area’s dwellers being members of the Ijaw ethnic group. The Ijaw language is spoken extensively in the area while Christianity and traditional religion are the commonly practiced faiths in Bomadi LGA. Popular landmarks in Bomadi LGA include the Bomadi General Hospital while the area also hosts a number of festivals such as the Akparemogbene Masquerade festival.


Bomadi local government area lies on the shores of the Forcados river and features two distinct seasons which are the rainy and the dry seasons. The rainy season in Bomadi LGA is often characterized by heavy and consistent rainfalls with the average annual precipitation in the area estimated at 3650 mm. Bomadi LGA also features a number of rivers and tributaries.


Bomadi LGA is home to a number of subsistent farmers who grow a number of crops such as oil palm, cassava, yam, and maize. Fishing is also an important economic activity in Bomadi LGA while the mining of crude oil in and around the area contribute greatly to the economy of Bomadi. Trade also booms in the area with markets such as the Bomadi overside market attracting hundreds of buyers and sellers on a daily basis.

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