
About Dukku Local Government Area (L.G.A)

Dukku local government area is located in Gombe state, Northeast Nigeria and has its headquarters in the town of Dukku. Several towns and villages make up Dukku LGA and these include Lafiya Yole, Kaloma, Hashidu, Walowa, Bawa, Bagadaza, and Gado. The population of Dukku LGA is estimated at 178,669 inhabitants with the majority of the area’s dwellers being members of the Fulani ad Bolawa ethnic divisions. Dukku LGA is home to the renowned Dukku Emirate which is overseen by the Emir of Dukku. Islam is the widely practiced religion in Dukku while the Fufulde and Hausa languages are commonly spoken in the area. Popular landmarks in Dukku LGA include the General Hospital in Dukku.


Dukku LGA sits on a total area of 3,815 square kilometres and is has the Gongola River flowing through the area. The average temperature of the LGA is 34 degrees centigrade while the average wind speed is 10 km/h.


The inhabitants of Dukku LGA are predominantly farmers with a wide variety of crops grown in the area. A number of animals such as goats, cattle and donkeys are also reared in the area. Dukku LGA also has a booming trade sector with a number of markets located within the LGA and these provide latforms for the exchange of a wide range of goods and services.

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