
About Asa Local Government Area (L.G.A)

Asa local government area is located in Kwara state, Northcentral Nigeria and has the city of Afon as its headquarters. Asa LGA comprises several towns and villages which include Ogbondoroko, Afon, Laduba, Aboto, Balah, Eyenkonn, Pampo, Ogele, and Olowokere. Islam and Christianity are the widely practiced religions in Asa LGA while ethnic groups such as the Yoruba, Hausa, and Fulani are represented in the area. Asa LGA is home to a number of festivals such as the Awon festival and the Egungun festival.


Asa local government area covers a total area of 1,286 square kilometres and features two distinct seasons which are the rainy and dry seasons. The average temperature of the area is estimated at 30 degrees centigrade with the humidity levels estimated at 63 percent.


Asa LGA is known for the cultivation of a wide range of crops such as rice, corn, coconut and vegetables. Cloth weaving and dyeing are other key economic enterprises in the area. Trade is also popular amongst dwellers of Asa LGA with markets such as the Alapa market and the Ogbondoroko main market attracting thousands of buyers and sellers of various commodities.


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