
About Baruten Local Government Area (L.G.A)

Baruten local government area is found in Kwara state, Northcentral Nigeria with the headquarters of the LGA domiciled in the town of Kosubosu. Baruten LGA shares borders with the Republic of Benin and is made up of numerous towns and villages which include Gwanara, Yawoji, Zume Buran, Kemanji, Moshe, Sumaji, Tori Gandu, Tungan Sabi, and Ilesha. Baruten has an estimated population of 108, 569 inhabitants with members of several tribes such as the Yoruba, Hausa and Fulani constituting the area’s dwellers. Popular languages spoken in Baruten LGA include Yoruba and Hausa while Christianity and Islam are the commonly practiced religions. Popular landmarks in Baruten LGA include the Shaki hospital and parts of the Borgu games reserve.


Baruten local government area covers a total area of 9,749 square kilometres and features two distinct seasons which are the rainy season and the dry season. The River Nano flows through the area and the average temperature of the LGA is put at 30 degrees centigrade.


Agriculture is the economic mainstay of the people of Baruten LGA with crops such as yam and cashew grown in substantially large quantities. Baruten LGA has a number of cashew plantations while the area is also home to a number of Agro processing mills with the area known for the massive production of Yam flour. Trade is also an important economic engagement in Baruten LGA with markets such as the Sunday market in Ingurumi providing platforms for the exchange of a variety of goods and services.

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