
About Boripe Local Government Area (L.G.A)

Boripe local government area is found in Osun state which is located within the Southwest geopolitical division of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. The headquarters of the area are in the town of Iragbiji and the LGA comprises of several towns and villages which include Aromadu, Odebudo, Goregun, Amola, Fadele, Aweda, Egbejoda, and Erinwo. Boripe LGA is bordered by the Boluwaduro and Ifelodun LGAs. Boripe LGA has an estimated population of 98,056 inhabitants with members of the Yoruba ethnic group being the most populous in the area. The Yoruba language is widely spoken in the area while Islam and Christianity are the most practiced religions in the area. Boripe LGA is home to a number of festivals which include the Iragbiji day festival and the Orioke festival. Popular landmarks in Boripe LGA include the Osun state polytechnic and the Aagba Osun.


Boripe local government area covers a total area of 132 square kilometres and has an average temperature of 28 degrees centigrade. The humidity of Boripe LGA averages 51 percent while the wind speed of the area is 11 km/h.


Farming is the major economic activity in Boripe local government area with the area known for the cultivation of crops such as Kolanut, vegetables, cocoyam, and yam. Other important economic activities in Boripe LGA are textile dyeing, herbal medicine preparation and trade of a plethora of commodities.


Boripe local government area was created in the year 1989.

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