
About Osogbo Local Government Area (L.G.A)

Osogbo local government area is found in Osun state, South-west geopolitical zone of Nigeria. The headquarters of the LGA are in the Oke Baale district of the city of Osogbo which also doubles as the capital of Osun state. Osogbo LGA is bordered by Ikirun, Ilesa, Ede, Egbedore, and Iragbiji. The LGA is made up of several districts which include Jagbewesa, Idi seke, Odiolowo, Ota Efun, Ogooluwa, Ring road, and Okefia. The estimated population of Osogbo LGA is put at 379,041 inhabitants with the area mostly populated by members of the Yoruba ethnic group. The Yoruba language is commonly spoken in the LGA while the religions of Christianity, traditionalism, and Islam are extensively practiced in the area. The paramount traditional ruler of Osogbo LGA is the Ataoja of Osogbo while important festivals held in the LGA include the Osun-Osogbo festival. Notable landmarks in the LGA include the Osogbo school of Art, the Osogbo Grand Mosque and the Sacred Grove of the Osun River Goddess which is a UNESCO World Heritage site.


Osogbo LGA covers a total area of 47 square kilometres and has the River Osun flowing through its territory. The average temperature of the LGA is put at 28 degrees centigrade while the average wind speed in the area is at an estimated 11 km/h.


Osogbo LGA has a vibrant textile dyeing industry with the town fondly referred to as the home of dyeing. Trade also blossoms in the LGA with the area hosting several markets such as the popular Oja Oba market where a variety of commodities are bought and sold. Other important economic activities in Osogbo LGA include farming, tourism and Civil service.

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