Ilesa West

About Ilesa West Local Government Area (L.G.A)

Ilesa west local government area is found in Osun state, Southwest Nigeria and has its headquarters in the Oja-oba suburb of Ilesa town. Ilesa west LGA is bordered by the Ilesa east, Obokun, Oriade, and Atakunmosa LGAs. Towns, districts, and villages that make up Ilesa west LGA include Esa oke, Oja oba, Omi Aladiye, Oshogbo road, Oke ese, and Okeola. The estimated population of Ilesa west LGA is put at 89,673 inhabitants with the predominant tribe in the area being the Yoruba. The oruba language is commonly spoken in the area while Christianity and Islam are the commonly practiced religions in the LGA. Popular festivals held in Ilesa west LGA include the Iwude festiva while important landmarks in the area include the Osun state college of Education and the Erin Ijesa waterfalls.


Ilesa west LGA occupies a total area of 63 square kilometres and has an average temperature of 28 degrees centigrade. The LGA hosts a number of streams such as the Oromu and the Omieran streams. The area falls under the Tropical rain forest zone and has an average humidity level of 61percent. The average wind speed in the area is 11 km/h.


Ilesa west LGA hosts a number of publicly and privately owned institutions, industries, banks, and hotels. A number of mineral deposits such as gold are found in the area. Trade also flourishes in Ilesa west with the area hosting a number of markets where a variety of commodities are bought and sold.

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