
Lens Polytechnic, Offa

Address: KM2 Irra Road Offa, Kwara State Nigeria.

About Lens Polytechnic, Offa

This is the profile page of Lens Polytechnic, Offa on Manpower Nigeria. This page contains the email, contact phone number, address, website and other contact information of Lens Polytechnic, Offa.

Lens Polytechnic is a polytechnic incorporated in Nigeria by the same management that owns and runs Lens school of management, Offa which is an innovation enterprise institution. Lens Polytechnic is an expansion from Lens School of Management and Technology. The school was established on 20th April, 2012. Lens polytechnic was founded by Azeez Yisa Bukola and Abdulazeez Isahq, an educationalist and a banker of high repute, the school was accredited duly by National Board for technical education.

The Proprietors have always been concerned with education and had always been disturbed with the situation of Nigeria youth who struggle to get admitted into tertiary institutions but cannot. Another set of concern are those that studied in the tertiary institutions and then find it difficult to get employed. They cannot integrate well into the industry or they cannot start up something on their own because they lack entrepreneurship skills. As part of remedy to all these situations, the Proprietors then decided to establish Lens Polytechnic. The objectives of the school are; To enroll qualified students and equip them with world class skills and knowledge. To train the students to be ethically upright and contribute their best to the society. To create studies that is highly practical based, innovative and dynamic for direct absorption into industries and for self-empowerment.

Contact Lens Polytechnic, Offa

Lens Polytechnic, Offa Opening Hours

  • Monday 08:00 am - 05:00 pm
  • Tuesday 08:00 am - 05:00 pm
  • Wednesday 08:00 am - 05:00 pm
  • Thursday 08:00 am - 05:00 pm
  • Friday 08:00 am - 05:00 pm
  • Saturday Closed - Closed
  • Sunday Closed - Closed

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