Hon. Muhammad Soba

Hon. Muhammad Soba Biography / Profile

Hon Barrister Muhammad Musa Soba was born on March 3rd, 1964 in Soba Local Government Area of Kaduna State, Nigeria. He is a legal practitioner and politician representing Soba Federal Constituency at the National Assembly.

Hon. Muhammad Soba Age

Hon. Muhammad Soba is 61 years old.

Hon. Muhammad Soba Early Life

Hon Soba had his primary education in Kaduna State and obtained the First School Leaving Certificate (FSLC). He proceeded to Sardauna Memorial College, Kaduna and obtained a General Certificate of Education (GCE) in 1983. He enrolled at Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria where he studied law and obtained a Bachelor's degree (LL.B) in 1988. He proceeded to the Nigerian Law School in Victoria Island, Lagos and was called to bar in 1989.

Hon. Muhammad Soba Career

As a lawyer, Hon Soba worked as an attorney with the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency from 1991 to 1993.

In 2015 he was elected under the platform of the All Progressive Congress (APC) to represent Soba Constituency at the Federal House of Representatives. In October 2018, he resigned his membership of the APC.

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Hon. Muhammad Soba Net Worth

His net worth is not available.

Hon. Muhammad Soba on Social Media




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