
About Aguata Local Government Area (L.G.A)

Aguata local government area is found in Anambra state in the Southeast geopolitical division of Nigeria. The local government headquarters is in the town of Aguata and the area comprises towns and villages which include Ekwulobia, Akpo, Uga, Igbo-ukwu, Umuchu, and Umuoma. Aguata local government area has an estimated population of 187, 044 inhabitants with an overwhelming majority being members of the Igbo tribe.

Christianity and traditional religion are commonly practiced within the area with the Igbo and English languages spoken widely within the area. Aguata local government area also boasts a rich cultural heritage with prominent festivals such as the Achukwu Masquerade festival, and the Nkpokiti Ije enu dance festival celebrated within the area.


Aguata LGA  has an estimated humidity of 69 percent with an average temperature of 27 percent. 


Subsistence farming is a popular economic engagement in this area while commerce thrives as well with the Eke and Nkwo markets providing platforms for the exchange of a wide variety of goods and services. Aguata LGA is also home to a number of financial institutions (especially microfinance banks), and hotels while there is also a presence of industries within the area such as the Pal Breweries, and the Unify colours paint company.

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