Anambra West

About Anambra West Local Government Area (L.G.A)

Anambra west is a local government area found in Anambra state, Southeast Nigeria. The LGA is made up of a number of towns and villages which include Umuoba, Abegbu-Anam, Nzam, Iyiora Anam, Igbedor, Owelle, and Oroma-etiti. The area has an estimated population of 166, 744 inhabitants with a vast majority being of the Igbo ethnic division.

Igbo and English are the commonly spoken languages in the area with Christianity and traditional religion as the widely practiced religions in the area. Popular festivals held in Anambra west include the Obite Anam festival, the Inoma Akator festival and the Umuikwu Anam festival.


Anambra west LGA has a humidity of 79 percent with average temperature estimated at 27.5 degrees centigrade. The area witnesses two major seasons which are the dry season which lasts between the months of November and March and the rainy season which runs through April to October.


Anambra west local government area has substantial deposits of crude oil and natural gas. Also, fishing is a popular economic engagement of the dwellers of the area. There are a number of crops cultivated in Anambra west which include yam, cassava, corn, and a variety of vegetables. Anambra west also has a vibrant trade sector with popular markets such as the Eke Nnokwa and the Owelle Central market providing platforms for the sales and acquisition of a wide variety of items.

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