
About Ifo Local Government Area (L.G.A)

Ifo local government area is situated in Ogun state which in the Southwestern part of Nigeria. The headquarters of the LGA are in the town of Ifo while the LGA is bordered by the Yewa south, Ewekoro, Obafemi-owode, Ado-odo, and Ota LGAs including parts of Lagos state. Towns and villages that make up Ifo LGA include Akute, Agbado, Ifo, Ojoolu, Abeloju, Jagunna, Lerin, Pakoto, and Alapoti. The population of Ifo LGA is estimated to be around 131,904 inhabitants with the area’s most prominent tribe being the Yoruba ethnic division. The Yoruba language is commonly spoken in the LGA while the reigions of Islam and Christianity are widely practiced in the area. Notable landmarks in Ifo LGA include the Ifo General Hospital.


Ifo LGA covers a total area of 521 square kilometres and has the Ogun River flowing through its territory. The LGA has a number of scattered hills and has an average temperature of 27.5 degrees centigrade. The average humidity level of the LGA is 60 percent while the total precipitation in the area is estimated at 1850 mm of rainfall per annum.


Ifo LGA has a vibrant agricultural sector and the area is known for the cultivation of a number of crops such as Cassava, kolanut, sugarcane, rice, and plantain. The LGA also has a booming trade sector with the area hosting several markets such as the Ifo main market and these markets provide platforms for the sales and acquisition of a variety of commodities for the area’s dwellers. Other important economic enterprises undertaken by the people of Ifo LGA include textile weaving and dyeing, hunting and wood work.

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