
About Imeko/afon Local Government Area (L.G.A)

Imeko Afon local government area is situated in Ogun state, Southwest Nigeria and has its headquarters in the town of Imeko. The LGA is bordered by Oyo state in Ibadan state, Abeokuta North, Yewa North local government areas and by parts of the Republic of Benin. Towns and villages that make up Imeko/afon LGA include Imeko, Afon, Ilara, Iwoye, Idofa, Owode, Agborogbomo, Atapele, and Agberiodo. The estimated population of Imeko/ Afon LGA is 149,988 inhabitants with the majority of the area’s dwellers being members of the Yoruba ethnic group. The Yoruba language is widely spoken in the area while Christianity and Islam are the commonly practiced religion. A number of traditional rulers are found in Imeko/Afon LGA such as the Onimeko of Imeko. Festivals held in Imeko/Afon LGA include the Oro festival while the notable landmarks in the area include the Odsuuru waterfalls and the Jabata forest.


Imeko/Afon LGA covers a total area of 1,655 square kilometres and has an average temperature of 28 degrees centigrade. The area has an abundance of hills of varying elevations and has the Yewa, Oyan, and Oha rivers flowing through its territory. The average humidity level of Imeko/Afon LGA is 54 percent while wind speed in the area is at an average of 12 km/h. The LGA has a tropical climate and falls within the Savannah belt vegetation.


Farming is a major economic activity in Imeko/Afon LGA with crops such as Cassava, tomato, cotton, cocoa, cashew, yam, and maize grown in the area. The LGA hosts a number of markets where a large number of commodities are bought and sold. Other important economic activities in Imeko/afon LGA include hunting, textile weaving, and wood work.


Imeko/Afon LGA was created in December 1996 from the Egbado North LGA.

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