Ijebu East

About Ijebu East Local Government Area (L.G.A)

Ijebu east LGA is in Ogun state which is located in the Southwest geopolitical zone of Nigeria. The headquarters of the LGA are in the town of Ogbere and the LGA consists of several towns and villages such as Fetedo, Ogbere, Ojowo, Ago Oloja, Igan Nla, Odomagbo, Lagunjo, Iwaya, and Itele. Ijebu east LGA is bordered by the Ijebu north, Odigbo, Ijebu-ode, Odogbolu, and Ogun waterside LGAs and also with parts of Lagos state. The estimated population of Ijebu east LGA is 169,991 inhabitants with the area’s most populous tribe being the Yoruba ethnic division. The Yoruba language is commonly spoken in the area while the religions of Christianity and Islam are widely practiced in the area. Popular festivals celebrated in the area include the Agemo and the Ijebu festivals.


Ijebu east LGA covers a total area of 2,234 square kilometres and has an average temperature of 28 degrees centigrade. The average humidity level of Ijebu east LGA is 63 percent while the average total precipitation level of the area is pegged at 1800 mm of rainfall per annum.


Farming is an important economic activity of the people of Ijebu east LGA with crops such as kolanut, cocoa, plantain and vegetables grown in the area. The area also hosts several markets such as the oke-aje market and these markets provide veritable platforms for the exchange of a wide variety of goods and services. Other important economic activities engaged in by the people of Ijebu east LGA include hunting, craftsmanship, and the weaving and dyeing of textile materials.


Ijebu east local government area was created in the year 1976 from the Ijebu ode LGA.

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