Afikpo North

About Afikpo North Local Government Area (L.G.A)

Afikpo North is a Local government area found in Ebonyi state, Southeast Nigeria. The LGA has its headquarters in the town of Afikpo and consists of towns and villages which include Itim, Unwana, Ozizza, Amasiri, Nkpoghoro and Ugwuegu. Afikpo north covers a total area of 240 km squared and has the Igbo as the dominant ethnic group. The estimated population of Afikpo North is 182,043 inhabitants with Christianity as the major religious affiliation while Igbo and English are the commonly spoken languages.

Afikpo North LGA also boasts a rich cultural heritage with prominent festivals  such as the Ikeji and Ebu mbe festivals held within the area. Popular landmarks within the area include Unwana and Ndibe beaches which are popular spots for relaxation, canoeing and sportfishing.



Afikpo north LGA covers a total area of 240 km squared with humidity estimated at 74 percent and average temperature pegged at 27.5 degrees centigrade. 


Afikpo North is renowned for its extensive agricultural output with crops such as Yam, cassava and Rice cultivated in large quantities. Also, commerce thrives in the Afikpo North local government area with markets such as the Eke and Nkwo markets providing veritable platforms for the exchange of a wide range of goods and services.

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