Barikin Ladi

About Barikin Ladi Local Government Area (L.G.A)

Barkin Ladi local government area is found in Plateau state which is situated in the Northcentral geopolitical zone of Nigeria. The headquarters of the LGA are in the town of Barkin ladi and comprises of several towns and villages which include Dafiyona, Ndina Gura, Nding, Nwok, Kamang, Nofok, Rarung, Zabot, and Gashish. Barkin ladi is home to numerous tribes with Christianity and Islam as the commonly practiced religions. Popular landmarks found in Barkin ladi LGA include the Plateau state Polytechnic while the area hosts a number of important festivals which include the prestigious Nzem Berom festival.


Barkin ladi LGA covers a total area measuring 1032 square kilometres and has a humidity level of 21 percent. The wind speed in Barkin ladi LGA averages 6km/h while the average temperature of the aea is estimated at 29 degrees centigrade. The landscape of Barkin ladi is also littered with several rock formations.


Agriculture is the major occupation of the people of Barkin ladi with crops such as potatoes, salads and vegetables, onions and tomatoes grown in the area. Trade is also a critical aspect of the economic life of Barkin ladi with the presence of several markets such as the Katako market and the Barkin ladi main market adding value to the economy of the area. Barkin ladi is also rich in Uranium.


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