Qua'an Pan

About Qua'an Pan Local Government Area (L.G.A)

Qu’an Pan local government area is found in Plateau state, North-central geopolitical enclave of Nigeria. The headquarters of the LGA are in the town of Ba’ap and the LGA borders the Bokkos, Mangu, Pankshin, and Shendan LGAs as well as parts of Nasarawa state. Towns and villages that make up Qu’an Pan LGA include Kwa, Bwall, Dokan kasuwa, Kwalla, Namu, Kwang, Ba’ap, and Doemak. The estimated population of Qu’an Pan LGA is put at 266,713 inhabitants with the area mostly populated by members of the Pan and Goemai ethnic affiliations. The Pan language is commonly spoken in the LGA while the religions of Christianity and Islam are practiced in the LGA. Qu’an Pan LGA is a part of the Plateau south senatorial district and has the Long Pan as a prominent traditional ruler in the area. Notable landmarks in Qu’an Pan LGA include the Pandam Game Reserve.


Qu’an Pan LGA covers a total area of 2,478 square kilometres and has an average temperature of 26 degrees centigrade. The LGA’s landscape is characterized by a litter of hills and rocks. The average humidity level in the LGA is put at 52 percent while the average wind speed in the area is at an estimated 11 km/h.


Qu’an Pan LGA has a rich agricultural heritage with crops such as Bambara nut, guineacorn, groundnut and beans grown in the area. The LGA is also a hub for the rearing and sales of a variety of domestic animals. Other important economic activities engaged in by the people of Qu’an Pan include trade, hunting and mining.


Qu’an Pan LGA was created on the 3rd of May 1989 from the Shendan LGA.

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