
About Bursari Local Government Area (L.G.A)

Bursari local government area is found in Yobe state which is domiciled in the Northeast geopolitical enclave of Nigeria. The area consists of a number of towns and villages which include Gumsa, Dapchi and Bodairi with the headquarters of the LGA domiciled in the town of Dapchi. The population of Bursari LGA is put at 111,732 inhabitants with the majority of the population being members of the Bade,  Hausa and the Fulani ethnic divisions. The Fufulde, Bade, and Hausa languages are widely spoken in Bursari LGA while the commonly practiced religion in the area is Islam.


Bursari local government area covers a total area of 3,818 square kilometres and consists of large expanses of dry and semi-arid lands. The area witnesses two major seasons which are the dry and rainy seasons with the dry season lasting for longer periods of the calendar year and featuring very hot temperatures. The average temperature of Bursari LGA is 34 degrees centigrade while the humidity level in the area averages 15 percent.


Bursari local government area is known for a lot of economic activities such as farming, commerce, hunting, pottery and animal rearing. Crops grown in the area include millet, beans, and cotton while animals reared in the area include cattle, goats, and horses. The area is also home to a number of markets which create platforms for the buying and selling of a plethora of items.


Dapchi town in Bursari LGA was the scene of the kidnap of over a hundred girls from a secondary school on the 20th day of February, 2018. The girls were later returned to the town by their captors on the 20th of March 2018.

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