
About Gujba Local Government Area (L.G.A)

Gujba local government area is found in Yobe state, Northeast Nigeria and has its headquarters in the town of Buni Yadi. Gujba LGA was formerly a part of the Fika Emirate but now has its own emirate known as the Gujba Emirate. Several towns and villages make up Gujba LGA and these include Muktum, Nannawaji, Katarko, Goniri, Buni Yadi, Jiri, Kilbiri, and Munyim Kura. The estimated population of Gujba LGA is 148,303 inhabitants with the most prominent tribes in the area being the Hausa and the Fulani. The Hausa and Fufulde languages are widely spoken in the area while Islam and Christianity are the commonly practiced religions in the area.


Gujba LGA covers a total area of 3,239 square kilometres and has an average temperature of 34 degrees centigrade. The total precipitation in the area is 700 mm of rainfall per annum while the average wind speed in the LGA is 9 km/h.


Farming is a key economic activity undertaken by the residents of Gujba LGA with a variety of crops grown in the area. Animal rearing is another popular enterprise undertaken by the inhabitants of the area with animals such as camels, sheep and rams reared and sold in the area. Other important economic activities in Gujba LGA include trade, pottery, hunting, and carpentry.


Gujba LGA gained international prominence on the 3rd day of April 1984 when a conical meteorite (Bencubbinite) weighing about 100 kg fell in a corn field in Bogga Dingare.

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