
About Geidam Local Government Area (L.G.A)

Geidam local government area is in Yobe state, Northeast geopolitical zone of Nigeria. The headquarters of the LGA are in the town of Geidam and is made up of towns and villages which include Jororo, Tombaeji, and Tumbulgo. Geidam LGA shares boundaries with the Yunusari LGA and Meine-Soroa in Niger Republic. Geidam LGA is a part of the prestigious Gazargamu Emirate and boasts an estimated population of 121,397 inhabitants with the vast majority of the area’s inhabitants being members of the Hausa and Fulani ethnic nationalities. The Hausa and Fufulde languages are widely spoken in the area while Islam is the commonly practiced religion in the LGA. Notable landmarkds in Geidam LGA include the Mai Idris Aloma Polytechnic.


Geidam local government area covers a total area of 4,375 square kilometres and experiences two distinct seasons which are the dry and the rainy seasons. The average humidity level of the LGA is 16 percent while wind speed in the area averages 10 km/h.


Geidam LGA is majorly an Agrarian community and is known for the cultivation of a variety of both food and cash crops. The LGA is also a hub for the rearing of a variety of animals such as cows, donkeys, and rams. In recent times however, the economy of Geidam LGA has seriously been degraded due to the activities of the Islamic sect Boko Haram whose reign of terror has led to massive loss of lives and property and the displacement of a wide percentage of the area’s inhabitants.

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