Enugu East

About Enugu East Local Government Area (L.G.A)

Enugu East local government area is found in Enugu state, Southeast geopolitical zone of Nigeria and has its headquarters in the town of Nkwo Nike. Several towns and villages make up Enugu East LGA and these include Ogwogo, Utazi, Nike, Amokpo, Ibeagwa, Obinagu, Emene, and Amankpa. The population of Enugu East local government area is estimated at 186,092 inhabitants with the majority of the area’s dwellers being members of the Igbo ethnic group. The Igbo and English languages are extensively spoken in the area while Christianity is the widely practiced religion in the LGA. Popular festivals held in Enugu East LGA include the NewYam festival while the notable landmarks in the area include the Caritas University and the Godfrey Okoye University.


Enugu East LGA covers a total area of 383 square kilometres and experiences two major seasons which are the dry and the rainy seasons. The average temperature of the area is put at 27 degrees centigrade while the humidity of the area averages 69 percent.


A number of crops such as yam, cassava, cocoyam and maize are grown in Enugu East LGA. The area also has a number of markets such as the Eke Ililo market and the Abakpa main market where dwellers of Enugu East and environs go to sell and buy a wide variety of commodities. Mineral resources found in Enugu East include coal.

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