
About Nsukka Local Government Area (L.G.A)

Nsukka is one of the seventeen local government areas that make up Enugu state, South-east Nigeria. Towns and villages that make up Nsukka LGA include Nkpunanor, Ihen’owerre, Nru Nsukka, Nguru, Lejja, Opi, Orba,and Eha –Alumona. The estimated population of Nsukka LGA is put at 369,012 inhabitants with the vast majority of the area’s dwellers being members of the Igbo ethnic affiliation. The Igbo language is extensively spoken in the LGA while the religion of Christianity is widely practiced in the area. Popular festivals held in Nsukka LGA include the Onwa Ito and the Omabe masquerade festivals while notable landmarks in the area include the University of Nigeria Nsukka and the St. Cyprian’s Special Science School.


Nsukka LGA covers a total area of 1,810 square kilometres and has an average temperature of 27 degrees centigrade. The estimated elevation of Nsukka LGA is put at 550 metres above sea level with the landscape of the LGA characterized by a number of hills. Nsukka LGA has a Tropical Savannah Climate.


Nsukka LGA hosts a number of hotels, banks, industries, and government institutions. The LGA is also a hub for farming with crops such as bambara nuts, cassava, yellow pepper and cocoyam grown in the area. Trade also flourishes in Nsukka LGA with the area hosting several markets where a variety of commodities are bought and sold.

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