Yagba West

About Yagba West Local Government Area (L.G.A)

Yagba west local government area is situated in Kogi state, North-central geopolitical zone of Nigeria. The headquarters of the LGA are in the town of Odo-Ere and the LGA is made up of several towns and villages which include Odosin, Egbe, Okunran, Iyemerin, Iddo, Okoloke, Igbaraku, Ejiba, Ogbe, and Akaka. The estimated population of Yagba west LGA is put at 165,300 inhabitants with the LGA predominantly occupied by members of the Okun ethnic sub-division of the Yoruba tribe. The Okun dialect of the Yoruba language is primarily spoken in the LGA while the religions of Christianity and Islam are extensively practiced in the area. Prominent traditional rulers in Yagba west LGA include the Oba of Egbe while notable landmarks in the atrea include the General Hospital, Odo-ere and the ECWA Hospital, Egbe.


Yagba west LGA occupies a total area of 1396 square kilometres and has an average temperature of 30 degrees centigrade. The LGA has an estimated average humidity level of 44 percent and an average wind speed of 10 km/h.


Yagba west LGA is a hub for agricultural practices with the area known for the cultivation of a variety of crops such as yam, rice, and cassava. Trade also flourishes in the area with the LGA hosting several markets where a wide variety of commodities are bought and sold. Other economic engagements of the dwellers of Yagba west LGA include animal rearing, wood carving, and food processing.


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