Guyuk is a local government area situated in Adamawa state, Northeast Nigeria. The LGA comprises of several towns and villages which include Purakayo, Gwalura, Chikita, Gundenyi, Walu, Lokoro, Wawi, and Gorotoro. The estimated population of Guyuk LGA is 159,552 inhabitants with the majority of the area’s inhabitants being members of the Fulani and Hausa ethnic divisions. The Hausa and Fufulde languages are widely spoken in the area while Islam and Christianity are the commonly practiced religions in the LGA. Notable landmarks in Guyuk LGA include the Kiri Dam.
Guyuk LGA has an average temperature of 31 degrees and with average humidity levels of 26 percent. The total precipitation in Guyuk LGA is at an average of 950 mm of rainfall per annum while the wind speed in the LGA is at an average of 12km/h. The popular Gongola river flows through Guyuk LGA.
Farming is the major occupation of the people of Guyuk LGA with the area known for the cultivation of crops such as cotton, sugarcane, sorghum, sheanut, and millet. The LGA is also rich in mineral deposits such as limestone and coal. Guyuku LGA also hosts several markets where a variety of goods and services are exchanged.
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