
About Hong Local Government Area (L.G.A)

Hong local government area is found in Adamawa state, Northeast Nigeria and has its headquarters in the town of Hong. Towns and villages that make up Hong LGA include Mutuku, Mubula, Sikaluri, Gaya, Kuliyi, Shiwa, Makera, Dugwamba, and Uba. Hong LGA is bordered by Gombi, Song, Mubi, and Micjika LGAs. The estimated population of Hong LGA is 142,735 inhabitants with the majority of the area’s inhabitants being members of the Kilba ethnic sub-division. The Kilba dialect is widely spoken in Hong LGA while Christianity and Islam are the commonly practiced religions in the area. Popular festivals celebrated in Hong LGA include the Tiwe and the Sakakikaki festivals while notable landmarks in the area include the Adamawa state College of Education.


Hong LGA witnesses two major seasons which are the dry and the rainy seasons. The LGA has an average temperature of 32 degrees centigrade while the average wind speed in the area is 11 km/h. The total recorded rainfall in Hong LGA is at an annual average of 800 mm.


Farming is the major source of livelihood for the people of Hong LGA with the area renowned for the cultivation of a variety of crops. Animals are also reared and sold in the area and these include rams and cows. Other important economic activities in Hong LGA include carpentry, blacksmithing and trade. The LGA also hosts a number of Banks, hotels and private as well as public institutions.


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