
About Ganjuwa Local Government Area (L.G.A)

Ganjuwa local government area is situated within Bauchi state, Northeast Nigeria and has its headquarters in the town of Kafin Madaki. The LGA shares borders with Bauchi, toro, Ningi, Darazo, and Kirfi LGAs. Several towns and villages make up Ganjuwa LGA and these include Soro, Miya, Zalanga, Yali, Sabon Kariya, Kafin Madaki, and Wailo. The estimated population of Ganjuwa LGA is 169,776 inhabitants with the majority of the area’s inhabitants being members of the Hausa and Fulani ethnic divisions. The Hausa and Fufulde languages are commonly spoken in the area while Islam and Christianity are the commonly practiced religions in the LGA. The Madaki of Bauchi is regarded as the district head of the LGA. Notable landmarks in Ganjuwa LGA include the General Hospital Kafin Madaki, the Government Secondary School Soro and the Ganjuwa cave.


Ganjuwa local government area covers a total area of 5,059 square kilometres and has an average temperature of 32 degrees centigrade. The average humidity of the LGA is 23 percent while the wind speed in the area averages 11 km/h.


A number of crops such as groundnut, millet, sugarcane, and sorghum are grown in Ganjuwa LGA. Also mineral deposits such as kaolin, marble and columbine are found in substantially large quantities in Ganjuwa LGA. Other important economic activities in Ganjuwa LGA include trade, cattle rearing and metal works. The LGA also hosts hotels, banks plus private and public institutions. The Bauchi state NYSC orientation camp is also in wailo town which is within Ganjuwa LGA.


Ganjuwa LGA was created in the year 1991 from the Darazo LGA.

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