
About Buji Local Government Area (L.G.A)

Buji local government area is found in Jigawa state, Northwest Nigeria. The headquarters of the area are domiciled in the town of Gantsa and the LGA comprises towns such as Buji-kudu, Tijio, Gantsa, Churban, Madabe, Kawaya, Ahoto, and Falgeri. The estimated population of Buji local government area is 138,994 inhabitants with the most populous tribes being the Hausa and the Fulani. The Hausa and the Fufulde languages are the widely spoken languages in the area while Islam is the widely practiced religion in Buji LGA.


Buji  local government area sits on a total area of 548 square kilometres  and features two distinct seasons; the dry season which runs from September to April and the rainy season which runs from May to August. The average temperature in Buji LGA is 33 degrees centigrade while the humidity of the area is 14 percent.


Farming is an important economic activity in Buji LGA with the area renowned for the cultivation of crops such as cotton and groundnuts. Hunting and animal rearing are also important economic enterprises in Buji local government area. The LGA is also popular for the production and sales of groundnut cake which is a widely enjoyed delicacy in Buji LGA.

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