
About Makarfi Local Government Area (L.G.A)

Makarfi local government area is in Kaduna state, North-west Nigeria and has its headquarters in the town of Makarfi. Makarfi LGA lies within the Zazzau Emirate and is bordered by the Ikara and Kudan LGAs and by parts of Kano state. Makarfi LGA is made up of several towns and villages such as Dandamisa, Rahama, Mayere, Kwatakware, Dorayi, Makarfi, Gangara, and Gwanki. The estimated population of Makarfi LGA is put at 261,803 inhabitants with the majority of the area’s dwellers being members of the Hausa and Fulani ethnic groups. The Hausa language is commonly spoken in Makarfi LGA while the religion of Islam is widely practiced in the area. Notable landmarks in Makarfi LGA include the Shehu Idris College of Health sciences and Technology, Makarfi and the Makarfi General Hospital.


Makarfi LGA covers a total area of 541 square kilometres and has an average temperature of 32 degrees centigrade. The LGA falls within the Sudan Savannah zone and has an average humidity level of 29 percent.


A number of minerals such as limestone and precious stones are found in Makarfi LGA. Trade also flourishes in Makarfi LGA with the area hosting several markets such as the Gubuchi and the Ruma markets where a plethora of commodities are bought and sold. Other key economic enterprises in Makarfi LGA include farming, animal rearing, and hunting.


Makarfi LGA was created in the year 1991 from the Ikara LGA.

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